Sharp Search partners

Partnering with startups, we connect them with AI/ML experts and tech GTM professionals. Our tailored approach ensures the right fit for your product growth and market success.


At Sharp, we prioritize tangible results for your business and career. Eschewing empty promises and mismatches, we focus on what truly matters - identifying the ideal candidate who aligns with your company's stage and aspirations, ensuring a mutually beneficial outcome

No Nonsense

Every search, every candidate's needs are distinct. We offer targeted solutions for problems we can effectively address and are upfront when we can't. We aim to deliver meaningful results, not to flood your inbox with mediocre resumes or blindly accept orders. If you're seeking a transactional firm, we're probably not your best match

Transparent Process

We share every detail of the search process with you. No black book of contacts that we pass around town. Not only will you see the shortlist build, but we will work together to steer the search if necessary.

Every Conversation Counts

To initiate a meaningful conversation, we begin with a professionally conducted cold call or a personalized email crafted just for you. During the discovery process, we identify the problem and its root cause. Embracing honesty and simplicity, we determine the next step together, whether that's immediate collaboration or waiting for the right moment.

No Runaround. Just Results.

We work closely with software industry leaders striving for success and growth. While they excel at their everyday talent acquisition, they recognize the challenge of identifying, attracting and retaining exceptional individuals for critical positions that drive growth. We're here to help bridge that gap.

Scale with Sharp

Growing a tech company is tough, and hiring is just one of many obstacles. Most times, it may not even be a priority. At Sharp, we don't disrupt what's already working for you. Instead, we partner with you to provide consistent access to top-tier talent and to tackle crucial hires.
Specialized Recruitment
We don’t claim to fill all positions. Our expertise lies in finding exceptional AI/ML and technical GTM individuals and leaders for software companies, focusing on critical hires that drive your innovation and growth strategies.
Rigorous Search Methodology
No easy shortlist of active candidates or recycled contacts – We engage in proactive headhunting, carrying out a thorough, systematic assessment process that leaves no stone unturned.
Committed to Results
We are committed to uncovering all potential matches with the tools at our disposal. Engaging each individual with a compelling message ensures you make informed decisions based on all the data available to you at this time. We are committed to working with you until we reach a result.
High-Caliber Standard
Everyday, we talk to people and assess the difference between excellence and mediocrity within identical job titles. Consequently, we discern high-achievers from those who are capable but not within the top 20% of their field.

Functional Expertise

We help early and growth stage startups with individuals and leaders in AI/ML and go-to-market roles. On the machine learning front, we connect with ML Engineers, AI Researchers, and Data Scientists, focusing on those who care about building real products. For GTM, we identify Product Managers and Product Marketing Managers who know how to make tech products succeed in the real world.
AI/ML & Data
GTM Strategy
Featured Case Study

Featured Case Study

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